Welcome to elucidate !
Find fulfillment, personal growth, increase performance... achieve!
If you want to increase performance...
If you desire to change or improve...
Perhaps you're not even clear what that means to you ...
You just know that you can do/be more...
BUT... you're stuck, or having trouble getting started...
Well, you've come to the right place because...
The "BUT ..." stops here !!!
I will help you explore and discover your strengths and leverage them to achieve what YOU want
in life;
or in career / vocation...
- Coaching people at all levels on leadership, performance and development: executives, people-managers, individual contributors
- Coaching teams: team effectiveness, team-dynamics, performance, culture...
- and I facilitate workshops on various topics: leadership, resilience, team-building, career development & transition... and much more
What is coaching?
The ICF definition:
"The ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential." - coachfederation.org (ICF)
The Adler definition:
"Coaching is fundamentally about facilitating change that will lead to desired results;; facilitating movement from a current state to a more desirable future state."
Professional Coaching is often confused with consulting, and while they are complimentary, they use very different approaches. Coaching a client (or group) involves working within a strengths-based framework to help clients achieve their desired change.
High performers will often use a Professional Coach to help them achieve their peak potential. They recognize that an objective, external mirror can help them discover things they would not find on their own. An ICF-certified Professional Coach helps their clients explore new perspectives, co-create new learning, and move with confidence to where they want to be. Clients become clearer on how to use their strengths; they see more compelling choices, and gain confidence to make the choices that get them what they want. The clients create their own meaningful actions and make powerful changes in their lives and careers as a result.
"Working with a coach over time can have a profound effect on your life, career, etc, and can lead to higher levels of commitment, fulfillment, and achievement."
Professional Coaching is often about reaching performance, learning and/or fulfillment goals, and can help in a variety of situations.
Working with an ICF-certified Professional Coach you will:
- understand more deeply where you are now, and clarify where you want to be
- search for and find the "ah-ha" moments - what's important to you in this endeavour?
- recognize and avoid obstacles
- function powerfully and confidently in complex relationships, professional and beyond...
- find and recognize more choice
- discover real commitment and your ability to move
- find the confidence and power to make real change
- identify and tackle opportunities for development
- leverage your strengths and values to achieve your goals!
Work with me and see for yourself! I work with individuals and teams at any level of life or profession.